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Thigh Lift

A thigh lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to tighten the skin of the thigh and reduce sagging in the inner or outer thigh.

Are You a Good Candidate for a Thigh Lift?

If your inner thighs are very big and contain a lot of fatty tissue, it might be best to try liposuction first to get rid of as much of the excess tissue as possible. After a few months, your doctor can re-evaluate your inner thigh to see if you will benefit from a thigh lift. In some cases, a thigh lift will still be recommended.

If the skin on your inner thighs sags or droops, a thigh lift is ideal as it could tighten up the skin and smooth the contour of your inner thigh. Individuals who have lost a lot of weight are also ideal candidates for an inner thigh lift, usually done in combination with other cosmetic surgery procedures.


Aside from eventually increasing comfort in the thigh area, a thigh lift can help make the thighs look slimmer. If you stand in front of a mirror and pinch the skin of your inner thigh, lifting the skin toward your groin, you’ll see approximately what a thigh lift could do for you.

The Surgeons

Dr. Leslie Howard Stevens
Dr. Leslie Howard Stevens


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